Become a member


BarrUltra is THE membership community for ultra-cyclists who don’t just want to get on their bike… they want to get on a team.


Though ultra-cycling is for you, we know that it isn’t for everyone. It’s niche, it’s demanding, and it requires an uncommon mentality to be able to do it. 

To succeed at it... that's an even bigger ask!

If you're here, it's likely that you’re already painfully aware (physically and mentally) that along with incredible highs ultra-cycling can bring many lows, and many complications. 

Ineffective clothing, improper equipment, and changes in training methods.

Sore bums, managing fatigue, and inadequate nutrition.

And it’s not like we can forget race logistics and planning, is it?

Until now, we know just how difficult it will have been for you to find experienced ultra-cyclists willing and able to help you navigate these complications from start to finish, as well as celebrate the high points!

With BarrUltra, we’re about to change all that. We have unparalleled experience and expertise to share with you and we just can't wait!

BarrUltra exists for you - to connect, learn from each other, and succeed together.

Our membership is now open, so come and take your seat alongside us*.


*And who might that “us” be? 

Our leadership team of Joe BarrJillian Mooney & Marc Poland have shared tens of thousands of miles, over multiple terrains, through long days and even longer nights. Click on each of our names to get to know us a little better, and find out who will be riding alongside you in the membership.