7.5% discount on Nutrition With Jill or Train With Joe sessions and packages.

Find out more about Nutrition With Jill or Train With Joe

15% discount on XeNTiS Wheels.

Check out our range over in our SHOP

Member profile on our BarrUltra site.

7.5% discount to Nutrition With Jill or Train with Joe.

Priority invitation and 15% discount to Training Camps.

Exclusive access to some behind the scenes race media, interviews and debriefs with Joe and Marc.

As members of the same team, you get to drop in and ask questions pre and post-race. You get to ask those burning questions as we prepare for each start line.

Ultra hat

Plus you’ll get your very own Barr Ultra hat (not one of those baseball caps that never fit but a Barr Ultra beanie that’ll work day or night.)

Zoom seminars

You’ll also get access to the recorded ZOOM seminars for a limited period of 48 hours.

Whopping discount

from XeNTis wheels. Check out the range over on our SHOP.

Members profile

Racing Member profile on the Barr Ultra website.