An ultra-cycling coach – do you have one?

Ultra-cyclist Joe Barr
August 21, 2024

I know that season 2024 isn’t done yet but as an ultra-cyclist, and an ultra-cycling coach, I’m already preparing for 2025.

If you’re in ultra-cycling, you know as well as I do that delivering a season of speed and distance isn’t as simple as spending hours in the saddle.  It’s an ultra-specific blend of training blocks, productive recovery, nutrition, race planning, and logistics.

If you want to go the distance, time is your most precious asset. You must use it wisely.

It’s no secret that putting together a season in ultra-cycling and managing the rest of your life is challenging to say the least.

But we do it because we need a little ‘ultra’ to remind us who we are.

I’m an ultra-cyclist too!

I’m an elite ultra-cyclist who coaches, races, who has more podiums to stand on, and records to break.

Just like you I work hard every week in the direction of my goals. 

What I do have, after 50 consecutive racing seasons, is experience and expertise.

One of the biggest mistakes ultra-cyclists make is believing that increasing volume and churning out more miles, trumps specificity of training. And by specificity, I mean training to meet the specific ‘asks’ of the race or races you’ve decided to compete in.

An ultra-cycling race flows from obstacle to obstacle. Fatigue is inevitable, a climb after 100 miles of racing is not the same as a climb after 400 miles of racing and a night of sleep deprivation.

I know the ‘asks’ because I’ve raced over various distances (from 200 – 3200 miles), times (from 6-12-24hrs), and through terrains that bring varying road surfaces, heat, altitude, rain, and wind. 

I’ve spent countless days and nights negotiating the physiological and psychological obstacles that races put in your way.

Am I the ultra-cycling coach for you?

I’ve got space in my coaching practice for three more ultra-cyclists who want to make 2025 their year.

Maybe you’re reaching for a better performance within a distance or a time you’re already familiar with.

Maybe you’re stretching into a new distance. I know that 500-miles has captivated some of you?

Maybe you have successful races in your legs but it’s now time to leap onto the podium?

When I become your ultra-cycling coach… you get…

Whether a reach, a stretch or a leap, I deliver monthly training plans along with a video call where we talk through the details that occupy an ultra-cyclist’s mind. 

Your mind.

Performance lives in those details and I’ll walk you through them, month by month. Together we’ll create a plan, flexible enough to fit alongside other life commitments, while steadily moving you towards your goals.

So, if you’re serious about delivering something big in 2025, email me and I’ll set up a zoom call.

PS… I don’t do junk miles and my clients won’t either. I’m here to help you manage your resources successfully so you can reach, stretch or leap into season 2025.

Our BarrUltra team members get a 7.5% discount on all coaching packages plus a host of other benefits including; three hours of mentoring to be spent as you wish between Joe (training), Jill (nutrition) or Marc (race planning and logistics), an elite performance race kit, access to our private member’s forum, seminars and round table discussions, to name a few.

Ultra-cycling in action