When Should I See a Nutritionist?

August 29, 2024

There’s a very simple answer to the question of when you should see a nutritionist – when your diet isn’t giving the results that you want, and you feel ready to make some changes.

Simple isn’t always easy though, is it? The easy part is seeing, feeling, and knowing that you’re not getting the results you want from your diet. 

The difficult part is getting yourself to the point of readiness to make changes.

So, let’s deal with the difficult part first!

A nutritionist is your ally, not your judge. At least that’s how I feel. 

I recognise that not everyone who books in with me, really wants to be there. 

Some come with mid-life or ongoing body composition issues.

Some with specific health concerns that have a major dietary component (hint: most do)

And some as a last resort to solve, sort or sift through the nutritional issues that hold their health, body and wellbeing hostage.

Often there’s a perception that dietary changes have to be ‘all or nothing’. That you may have to completely overhaul the way that you eat, eliminate all your treats, coffee, and make friends with green smoothies. 

This can feel overwhelming.

You don’t. 

Don’t let that perception prevent you from starting to move towards the results you want.

When you work with me, you get to stay in the driver’s seat. The pace of change is yours.

It’s my job, as your nutritionist, to find quick wins and offer impactful solutions that align with your life. But, if you’re ready to jump in and do a complete overhaul, I’m down with that too. 

The most important thing is that we’re navigating, at your pace, towards the results that you want.

And now the easy part

You already know that the way you eat could serve you better.

I’m talking food choice, food volume, and food timing (yes, those late night, high calorie snacks don’t serve you).

By the time you decide to invest in seeing a nutritionist you likely know what needs to change. You may not know the specifics but you’ve got the general picture. 

In fact, most of my clients can articulate their obstacles; not enough time, midlife hormonal changes, loss of motivation, “I know what I should do but I just don’t do it”, or that subtle, maybe not-so-subtle feeling of “I just don’t have the energy for one more thing!”

Remember, you’re in the driver’s seat so you get to fire up the engine, move into first gear, and then second, when you’re good and ready. 

What will a nutritionist actually do for me?

I’m going to listen to what your goals are, how you approach and organise around food, who cooks, how you move through your day, who makes dietary decisions for the house, what and when you eat, and so forth.

Then I want to understand where you currently are in relation to your goals and what behaviours and habits got you there.

That particular set of behaviours and habits are important so that when I make specific recommendations, or design your personalised nutrition plan, I’m offering real life solutions and not cookie cutter prescriptions.

What will a nutritionist cost?

I offer two options with two price points.

A one-hour consult, called the Kitchen table talk where I listen and give concrete advice on quick wins and next steps. I record the consult for you.

Or a whole month of nutritional coaching, called the Starter month, where I follow up that consult with a personalised nutrition plan plus one month of unlimited coaching as you go through the first round of changes. Sometimes extra support is needed to get you up and on your way.

Will working with a nutritionist guarantee the results I want?

Nope, you’re the eater. You have to modify, adjust and change the way you do things. Do check out some testimonials from folks I’ve worked with if you’re needing a little extra confidence before connecting with me.

Need more time to consider your next steps? Why don’t you book in for a complimentary 30-min zoom call and we can chat about the best way forward.